Saturday, October 01, 2005

Well, If Mom could see me now.... Lets all hope that she doesn't. (I say, as if a large group of someone(s) might actually read this.) Otherwise, "Sarge and Friends" might take an early exit from Blogger if she does. Mother has a strange fear of blogs. "They are going to steal your identity," she says, despite the fact that at no time have I entered any personal information into this website. Ok, well I did enter my e-mail address. So I will probably wind up with more spam in the inbox. Look out, terrorists in action! Maybe I can increase my penis size in 5 days....

I swear I'm really 29 and can do what I want to in life, but I'm sure ya'll understand how controlling mothers can be at times.

Now would be a good time to introduce myself to the audience. My name is Jon, and Sarge is my dog. He's a German Shepherd Mix. I got him in August 2001, and I adopted him from a rescue organization. He likes to sleep, eat, go for walks , sleep, chase squirrels, eat, and sleep. I like the same things. Well, not so much the chasing of squirrels part, but I'm cool with the rest. Here's the little feller now...

Show a little excitement would ya Sarge! I apologize for his lack of excitement. However, this is his normal MO, so I don't know why I am so surprised. Sarge also appreciates a cool hard wood floor in the summer, as he is demonstrating in this photo. He especially likes them during a hot Texas summer like we have had this year. We had 100+ degree temperatures all the way up to the last few days of September this year. We recently had a few cool days here this week where we had highs in the 70's. That was SOOO nice. It didn't last long though. We are back to 90 degree temperatures and high humidity. I really hate humidity. I need to move to the desert. Which, coincidentally, brings me to another subject.....

I have recently learned to appreciate Las Vegas. Not for its 24-7 lifestyle or for its creative use of neon lights, but for a completely different reason all together. Las Vegas is home to a very special someone whom I am going to see this coming week. I'm not one to go tooting horns before it's time, so I would like to actually meet this person first before I go saying that I am "in love" or that "I'm going to spend the rest of my life with them." But I will say that she is an amazing person, and that I find a new reason to like her more and more every day. Next week will definitely be a good week.

And finally, here's the author of this here little piece of bandwidth:

I should also add that the hair is all the way gone now. Partly by choice and partly by aging, but what I do have left I have chosen to shave off. The rest is still the same.... Fat cheeks, thick neck, broad shoulders.... yep that's me.

OK, this has been fun. Sarge says, "Peace out!" Yeah, he's ghetto, but only I can hear him talk so you don't have to worry about that. I'll just say, see ya next time.